I like to explore the theme of spirituality and sexuality. 

I have often asked myself: Is there a boundary where one ends and another begins? 

To find an answer to this question, I decided to turn to the story of Ishtar – goddess of love. 

In the times of Sumerian civilization, goddess Ishtar was greatly appreciated. Both men and women worshipped to her, considered her the main goddess and patroness for people. Thus people were idealizing woman, deifying her femininity, sensuality and creative power of her instinctive nature. Female sexuality was thought to be an integral part of her spiritual nature. 

While communicating with my daughter, photographing her for many years, seeing her as my reflection, I have always dreamed and aimed to recreate an archetypal image of the goddess of love. Image full of sensuality, where creative feminine nature would be combined in one with spirituality. Image that would show energy and sense of feminine beauty from one side and reflect natural human multiplicity from the other.