Olena Morozova

"I Knew She Whould Never Have Children" book is ready for ordering!
Payment details at the bottom of this page.
Write to me at info@olenamorozova.com
"I Knew She Whould Never Have Children" book is ready for ordering!
Payment details at the bottom of this page.
Write to me at info@olenamorozova.com
"I Knew She Whould Never Have Children" book is ready for ordering!
Payment details at the bottom of this page.
Write to me at info@olenamorozova.com

My name is Olena Morozova.

I am engaged in visual arts and the author of the project «I Knew She Would Never Have Children», which won prizes and awards at international photography competitions, was shown at international photo festivals and exhibitions in many countries around the world, published in European newspapers and magazines.

My project is dedicated to the memory of my younger sister, who died in a car accident a week before my daughter was born. At that time, I was unable to accept her death and live through this grief. I preserved my emotions. It was only 10 years later that I felt it was time to work with the old trauma that was stuck inside me.

I felt the urge to make a project.

The project turned out to be mainly about my premonitions, intuition, reflections on life and death, my own relationship with death through the prism of my sister’s death.

I Knew She Whould Never Have Children
Author: Olena Morozova
Drawings: Tymur Morozov
Design: Maryna Brodovska
Printed in Ukraine
Paper: Munken Pure 150
Size: 215×290
Wieght: 600 g
Format: Hard Cover, Open Spine | 102 pages

We are collecting donations for the printing of 150 copies of the «I Knew She Would Never Have Children» Artbook in hardcover. The artbook has a unique original design, developed in collaboration with Ukrainian artist Marina Brodovska. We need 200 thousand hryvnyas for the book.

All previous research work, taking photographs, writing texts, their translation, digitalization of archival sources, the development of the structure of the book is already done by our forces and money.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the good works and take your own copy of the unique «I Knew She Would Never Have Children» art book.

Our team

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Olena Morozova

Visual Artist, author of project
«I Knew She Would Never Have Children»

Maryna Brodovska crop

Maryna Brodovska

Artist, writer

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Tymur Morozov

Author of paintings made for project
«I Knew She Would Never Have Children»

«I Knew She Would Never Have Children»

Book signed by the author

Price: 60 Euro

«I Knew She Would Never Have Children»

Book signed by the author with a print
(21.5 x 14.5 cm, limited edition of 15, museum paper Hahnemühle Rag Satin)

Price: 150 Euro

«I Knew She Would Never Have Children»

Book signed by the author with a print
(21.5 x 14.5 cm, limited edition of 15, museum paper Hahnemühle Rag Satin)

Price: 150 Euro

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Or via PayPal for any currency – olenamorozovavisualart@gmail.com